Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Joplin Council discusses infrastructure spending for 20th and Connecticut projects

The Joplin City Council discussed the Hope Valley project and infrastructure improvements at 20th and Connecticut during a special meeting Monday night:

From the accompanying KSN report:

The council did approve to look into funding for infrastructure around 20th and Connecticut. This is land proposed by master developer, Wallace-Bajjali, to build a library and theater. City leaders want to use part of $25 million from the Economic Development Authority for things like parking lots, curb guttering and laying new utilities in that area.

''We know that we're not going to spend the entire amount on the library. We're going to have some money left over and council has directed staff to explore those cost options with the EDA to bring down some of the overall cost of the development of that project,'' said Mike Seibert, Joplin Mayor.

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