Friday, September 11, 2020

Billy Long: President Trump's strong leadership will usher us into a stronger America

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Before the coronavirus upended our lives, President Trump had successfully created one of the strongest economies in U.S. history. 

When the virus forced businesses to close and Americans to self-quarantine for an extended period of time many began to fear that another recession was headed our way. Fortunately, President Trump had other plans. 

Thanks to President Trump’s strong leadership and decisive action, our job reports have consistently delivered record-breaking numbers over the last few months, proving that the Great American Comeback is well underway and we are headed back to the future of pre-COVID days.

Prior to this global pandemic, America had an unemployment rate of 3.5%, the lowest rate in 50 years. During the height of the pandemic, rates jumped to over 14%, but since April, the U.S. has gained a record 10.6 million jobs, bringing back nearly half of the jobs lost due to COVID-19 in record time. 

By comparison, it took nearly nine years following the Great Recession peak in 2009 for the country to make the same recovery. Let that sink in: President Trump has been able to accomplish in just four months what the Obama-Biden administration failed to do throughout their entire tenure.

In August alone, the American economy gained nearly 1.4 million jobs, marking the fourth month in a row where over a million jobs were added. The breakdown, spanning multiple industries, includes 249,000 retail, 174,000 leisure and hospitality, and 45,000 manufacturing and construction jobs. 

Even more impressive, the unemployment rate also dropped by 1.8 percentage points to 8.4%, surpassing expectations. Additionally, the unemployment rate fell for African Americans ( -1.6 percentage points), Hispanic Americans (-2.4 percentage points), and Asian Americans (-1.3 percentage points); those without high school diplomas saw a 2.8 percentage point decrease and the rate for adult women fell by 2.1 percentage points. 

Astonishingly, even with COVID-19 temporarily shutting down the economy, the August unemployment rate drop is the second largest decrease in U.S. history.

Under President Trump, America is on track to experience the fastest labor market recovery following an economic crisis in history. 

The amount of jobs added to the U.S. economy over the past four months has exceeded expectations by a combined 12.2 million jobs, and that is all thanks to President Trump’s innovative approach to unprecedented and unforeseen circumstances. 

As a nation, we have persevered through this global pandemic and have banded together to weather this devastating storm. I am confident that our fighting spirit and President Trump’s strong leadership will usher us into a stronger America, and I look forward as we continue on with our Great American Comeback.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Billy longs for a daddy figure to tell him what to do.

Anonymous said...

what kind of nimrods believe the BS Blunt, Graves and now Long are putting out about their idiot leader? Do they even believe their own BS and how can they face anyone in their district with a straight face? Imagine the laughs they have behind closed doors about the buffoons they supposedly represent. Very sad that anyone is fooled by them, but then we are talking about Missouri. Free band-aids for knuckles that are damaged from the ground.