Saturday, September 19, 2020

Joplin posts record highs for number of COVID-19 patients at Mercy, Freeman, city residents hospitalized


The COVID-19 outbreak in the city of Joplin continued to grow with an all-time high of city residents hospitalized, according to statistics posted this morning on the city's COVID-19 dashboard.

The 13 city residents who have been hospitalized, are among a record high 63 being treated for the coronavirus at Freeman and Mercy hospitals.

Joplin recorded 32 cases in the preceding 24 hours for a total of 1,171. The number active cases decreased from 225 to 221.

The city has had 23 deaths due to COVID-19.


Anonymous said...

Well, where are all the anti-masker fools? We should be hearing from them about how great things are going without the mask mandate.

Hyacinth said...

Many people in stores are wearing masks in Joplin, but many are the store owners and employees. I am a nurse and whether or not a mask keeps me and my family from getting COVID-19 or something else airborne, I sure feel better with one on.