Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Joplin Christmas Parade canceled

(From the City of Joplin and Freeman Health)

Freeman Health System and the City of Joplin jointly decided it is in the best interest of public safety for the community to cancel this year’s Christmas parade.

“We are sad to cancel it, but feel citizens are being responsible in their actions by avoiding gatherings due to the pandemic,” said Paula F. Baker, Freeman President and Chief Executive Officer. “Those who regularly participated found it difficult to do so because their groups are not meeting.”

While coordinators are disappointed, they are looking forward to next year.

“We truly appreciate the staff members of Freeman who have worked on this project this year and in prior years,” said Joplin Mayor Ryan Stanley. “Their initiative to bring the parade to the public in such a challenging year demonstrates their commitment to bring a quality event to our citizens. They share our community spirit, and it is our goal to partner again with Freeman Health System to have the parade next year. We are confident that with Freeman as the host, the parade will be a spectacular event that everyone can enjoy as we have in years past.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why not plan for "Christmas in July" after the covid vaccines are distributed? This country has lost much this year.