Friday, December 11, 2020

Joplin R-8 Administration recommending $800,000 Junge Field project including video board, press box expansion

An $800,000 project to expand the press box at Junge Field and add a video board is among the items on tap for the Joplin R-8 Board of Education when it meets 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Education Building.

R-8 administrators are recommending the project, according to board documentation.

The $800,000 would be paid through advertising agreements, according to the documentation. No phase of the project would begin until all of the money for that phase has been raised.

The project would include the "video board, installation, technology upgrades, design fees, construction costs for remodeling the press box and cost of signage."

The video scoreboard will be used as "a teaching and learning tool" by the Auvio-Video production classes at Joplin High School, according to the documentation. 

The press box is too small and crowded, the documentation indicates. "By upgrading the press box, we will be able to accommodate our JETHD students and staff to film the games and produce content for the video display. In addition, we will be able to better serve the numerous coaches, radio staff, opposing teams' coaches, newspaper and game day workers much more efficiently.

"Increasing the use of technology for production and coordination by our students will improve the game day experience for players and fans through the addition of technological equipment and infrastructure.

"In addition, the project will remedy severely limited space in the current press box. The facility will also add climate control to the current amenities. This will improve the experience for the students engaged in filming games and game day affiliated staff and protect the operating equipment for the video board."

The project would be done over a five-year period, according to the documentation.

"The district will be reimbursed in full for all costs of the projects by entering into multi-year agreements with sponsors. Also, additional ads will be sold to more advertisers that will provide additional revenue for the district beyond the costs of the scoreboard and press box remodel project.".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

That's because most people are much more focused on sports.
They don't really believe much in books and science.

So in some ways, this is helping people to help themselves!