Thursday, December 10, 2020

Missouri attorney general, other AGs, meeting with Trump at White House today

magazine is listing Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt among a group of attorneys general who held a closed door meeting with President Donald Trump earlier today at the White House.

Schmitt was among 17 attorneys general who filed an amicus brief Wednesday supporting Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's effort to get the U. S. Supreme Court to throw out the presidential votes in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin due to alleged fraud.

Some of those AGS, all of whom are Republican, are among those meeting with the president.

A White House official told Forbes the attorneys general are in D.C. for a pre-planned meeting and that the lunch was scheduled around it several weeks ago, adding that they will “discuss issues important to their citizens and the country, and ways to continue to advance the shared federal-state partnership.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Schmidt, did you kiss Trump's ring and lick his boots too? Now that you have pledged allegiance to your orange god, we will make sure to remember this at your trial for sedition.