Monday, November 06, 2023

Pineville man charged with harassing teacher at McDonald County school

The McDonald County Prosecuting Attorney filed misdemeanor harassment charges against a Pineville man who harassed a teacher at one of the county's schools.

According to the probable cause statement, Ryan M. Paine (DOB 1986) harassed a teacher at the student pickup line crosswalk at a county school October 17. The school is not identified.

Mr. Payne was being verbally aggressive and using offensive language {with the teacher}. He then parked his vehicle and approached her aggressively as she moved away from him. Mr. Payne continued to approach her extremely closely.

At this time, {the teacher} turned around ushering the remaining kids inside with her. Mr. Payne was still outside yelling. Without good cause, Mr. Payne acted with intent to cause emotional distress to {the teacher} and his actions did, in fact, cause {her} to feel emotional distress, feel uneasy and fear for her safety and the safety of the children in the area.

Payne's initial appearance is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, November 20.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an absolute piece of worthless sh_t. Would love to slap this loser back to the chicken farm or better yet, leave the Mcdonald county mafia to unmercifily take him out back and have their way.