(From Sen. Mike Moon, R-Ash Grove)SJR 33 & SJR 8 – if passed, both will be on the ballot for you to vote on.
SJR 33 is a constitutional amendment. If approved by the voters, abortions will be prohibited (a good thing), except in cases of medical emergencies, rape, or incest (not good). Consider the science: When the male and female genetic material comes together, a DNA strand – unique to each individual – is created.
This newly created individual begins to develop over a 40 week period. We recognize that this individual continues to develop – requiring regular care – for many years to come. This developing individual – even after birth – cannot live without the care of another.
SJR 33 also allows a woman who has been raped or involved in an incestuous relationship and becomes pregnant to have an abortion, if documentation that a law enforcement report has been made is presented to the attending physician, provided the abortion is killed within 12 weeks gestational age of the unborn child.
The bill is expected to be amended to allow for a developing baby with (suspected) abnormalities to be murdered, too.
We Can’t Save Them All
If SJR 33 is passed by the voters, not all babies will be afforded protection. For example, the five most common birth defects are: heart defects, cleft palate, spina bifida, clubfoot, and Down syndrome.
Must we allow a death sentence for babies who aren’t ‘perfect’? Should we punish a child for a horrific act committed by the father?
I reject the notion that we must give in to those who think we must allow for exceptions. We are not the Creator of life, therefore, we must not take on the authority of the Creator.
Some say that the voters will not approve of a full ban on the murder of innocent, developing children. Should that justify our willingness to give in so quickly?
The polls indicate that we will not win, they say. I don’t care what the polls say. I imagine the pollsters, when the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt, said they would die in the wilderness, drown in the sea, or be overtaken by the Egyptian army. Remember what happened? When they were blocked by the Red Sea on one side, the mountains on another, and the pursuing Egyptian army, GOD SAVED them!
Even though the Israelites complained, God cared for them (at times He wanted to annihilate them, but Moses interceded on their behalf (and, their lives were spared)
Amazingly, their clothes and sandals lasted 40 years while they wandered in the desert.
Will God Come to Our Rescue
The scripture says nothing about any guarantees that God will allow us to win every battle. Although there are numerous examples of Him rescuing the Israelites from their enemies (Gideon and the Midianites, David and Goliath, Joshua and the battle of Jericho), we are expected to be obedient to Him.
If, as the Bible says, we are created in the image of God, should we not do all we can to defend the pre-born and leave the victory to Him. If we win, great! If we do not, at least we were obedient - no matter the outcome.
We know that DNA is used to identify individuals. No two persons are the same. It seems plain to me that when a woman is pregnant, a developing baby is in her womb. That baby is a person, since it has DNA all of its own.
Protection for All Persons
I am reminded of when Pharaoh commanded the midwives to kill all the male babies born. When they disobeyed Pharaoh, God blessed them. Today, we would call their actions ‘civil disobedience’. The murder of another human is wrong – period!
If we choose to allow developing babies to be destroyed, are we not, in essence, creating a sub-group of humans, not unlike those who were born into slavery? Since these humans are out-of-sight, out-of-mind, it is easy dismiss their humanity and allow them to be murdered – before they have taken their first breath or experienced life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that all persons subject to our laws will be equally protected. Under that premise, MO must take the lead in assuring that all persons, from the moment of fertilization, are protected under the laws.
There are some good things in SJR 33, too. Read for yourself by following this link:
Senate Joint Resolution 8 will allow voters to amend the state constitution to recognize even those who are still developing in the mother’s womb as persons should be afforded equal protection under the law.
The Missouri Republican Party Platform states, “... God-given rights for all citizens, including the fundamental right to life for born and unborn children, the aged, the terminally ill, and the handicapped, should be provided for in our laws and in our Constitution. Life begins at conception,… We endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children…”
We must provide “Protection from conception - without exception!”
You can read the entire bill here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/25info/pdf-bill/intro/SJR8.pdf
SJR 33 also allows a woman who has been raped or involved in an incestuous relationship and becomes pregnant to have an abortion, if documentation that a law enforcement report has been made is presented to the attending physician, provided the abortion is killed within 12 weeks gestational age of the unborn child.
The bill is expected to be amended to allow for a developing baby with (suspected) abnormalities to be murdered, too.
We Can’t Save Them All
If SJR 33 is passed by the voters, not all babies will be afforded protection. For example, the five most common birth defects are: heart defects, cleft palate, spina bifida, clubfoot, and Down syndrome.
Must we allow a death sentence for babies who aren’t ‘perfect’? Should we punish a child for a horrific act committed by the father?
I reject the notion that we must give in to those who think we must allow for exceptions. We are not the Creator of life, therefore, we must not take on the authority of the Creator.
Some say that the voters will not approve of a full ban on the murder of innocent, developing children. Should that justify our willingness to give in so quickly?
The polls indicate that we will not win, they say. I don’t care what the polls say. I imagine the pollsters, when the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt, said they would die in the wilderness, drown in the sea, or be overtaken by the Egyptian army. Remember what happened? When they were blocked by the Red Sea on one side, the mountains on another, and the pursuing Egyptian army, GOD SAVED them!
Even though the Israelites complained, God cared for them (at times He wanted to annihilate them, but Moses interceded on their behalf (and, their lives were spared)
Amazingly, their clothes and sandals lasted 40 years while they wandered in the desert.
Will God Come to Our Rescue
The scripture says nothing about any guarantees that God will allow us to win every battle. Although there are numerous examples of Him rescuing the Israelites from their enemies (Gideon and the Midianites, David and Goliath, Joshua and the battle of Jericho), we are expected to be obedient to Him.
If, as the Bible says, we are created in the image of God, should we not do all we can to defend the pre-born and leave the victory to Him. If we win, great! If we do not, at least we were obedient - no matter the outcome.
We know that DNA is used to identify individuals. No two persons are the same. It seems plain to me that when a woman is pregnant, a developing baby is in her womb. That baby is a person, since it has DNA all of its own.
Protection for All Persons
I am reminded of when Pharaoh commanded the midwives to kill all the male babies born. When they disobeyed Pharaoh, God blessed them. Today, we would call their actions ‘civil disobedience’. The murder of another human is wrong – period!
If we choose to allow developing babies to be destroyed, are we not, in essence, creating a sub-group of humans, not unlike those who were born into slavery? Since these humans are out-of-sight, out-of-mind, it is easy dismiss their humanity and allow them to be murdered – before they have taken their first breath or experienced life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that all persons subject to our laws will be equally protected. Under that premise, MO must take the lead in assuring that all persons, from the moment of fertilization, are protected under the laws.
There are some good things in SJR 33, too. Read for yourself by following this link:
Senate Joint Resolution 8 will allow voters to amend the state constitution to recognize even those who are still developing in the mother’s womb as persons should be afforded equal protection under the law.
The Missouri Republican Party Platform states, “... God-given rights for all citizens, including the fundamental right to life for born and unborn children, the aged, the terminally ill, and the handicapped, should be provided for in our laws and in our Constitution. Life begins at conception,… We endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children…”
We must provide “Protection from conception - without exception!”
You can read the entire bill here: https://www.senate.mo.gov/25info/pdf-bill/intro/SJR8.pdf
We already decided this issue, mikey. When you begin to tell me what's best for me, I categorize you as an authoritarian wannabe and a threat to my other freedoms you don't agree with. Where do these useless magat extremists keep getting radicalized?
Just like any good white conservative, ol’ Mike Moon returns to show us that he’s just as proficient at cherry-picking the Constitution as he is the Bible. He’ll definitely shout about the 14th Amendment, but not acknowledge the birthright citizenship portion or even Exodus 23:9.
I can’t wait to see the essay that the resident MAGA gutter troll whips up to defend Moon’s latest lunacy.
Love your enthusiasm 850! We have to keep telling the truth...and loudly, to save America. Magats are one dimensional, they follow their master and faux news. Keeping silent validates their illogical thinking.
Isn't this the same dude who defended child marriage? This is why I'll never listen when people say drag queens or trans people are the issue. It's people like Mike Moon.
Pretty sure he could rebut that with a few cherrypicked bible verses. This type just needs to be sure to pick the right translation and version to find the exact words they need. Luckily there are online lookups and plenty of
non-taxpaying 'men of god' to consult.
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