Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Missouri GOP Director: McCaskill trying to rewrite history

(From the Missouri Republican Party)

Claire McCaskill once again finds herself on the wrong end of several national news stories after video of her surfaced falsely claiming that the Senate recently passed a budget when, in fact, they have not for well over 1,000 days.

McCaskill was caught on camera claiming that FOX News and the “political right” were responsible inventing the idea—though she failed to mention that the Senate Parliamentarian and PoliticFact have also verified that Democrats have not passed budget since April 2009.   Maybe she forgot—just like she forget to pay taxes on her private plane, she forget to pay taxes on her DC condo on time, and she forgot to report more than $500,000 in contributions and expenses from her 2006 campaign.

Please consider the following quote from Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party:  “Chameleon Claire McCaskill has a nasty habit of saying one thing in Missouri and doing the opposite in Washington.  For more than 1,000 days, she has been part of the problem in Washington—failing to pass a budget as spending has spiraled out of control.  Now that she’s back in Missouri, she is trying to rewrite history and convince Missourians of something that is clearly false."

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