Monday, September 15, 2014

Save Joplin Schools! C. J. Huff for State Commissioner of Education

Dear State Board of Education:

Though I realize that the impending retirement of Commissioner of Education Chris Nicastro was only announced an hour ago, I believe I can save you the trouble of conducting a search for a replacement.

Forget about any of her assistants, even my former teacher and former Webb City R-7 Superintendent Ron Lankford, who is currently assistant commissioner and is working right there in Jefferson City.

Don't look for a new commissioner in your backyard.

Please find your replacement in my backyard.

Take C. J. Huff.


Joplin is not a selfish town. We love to share our heroes with the state, the nation, and the world. We recently shared Mark Rohr with Texas.

This will also help .C. J. since he can use a state jet to arrive in style at his speaking engagements. We can help make the transition easier by measuring him for his throne before he leaves Joplin.

And though I know bribery against the law, I am willing to give each of you a crisp $10 bill if you will take him off our hands. Excuse me, I mean give him this job he so richly deserves.

Let C. J. Huff do for the state of Missouri what he has done for Joplin.

Thank you for your consideration.

Randy Turner


Anonymous said...

The best place for him is somewhere far away from education. Let him mess up some other industry for a while.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Randy. We all know he was standing out in the middle of tornado with a sketch pad making a drawing of what he wanted his new high school to look like. In this town that defines a "hero".