Monday, March 04, 2019

Jason Smith: Green New Deal is an attack on rural America and agriculture

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

Newly elected radicals in the U.S. House of Representatives say the world will end in twelve years unless we pass their “Green New Deal.”

Candidates for President have lined up to endorse the plan, which would completely overhaul our entire economy and ban affordable energy options. They say the climate is “our World War II,” but their plan is a war on working families and the American economy.

What blows me away about the Green New Deal is how unbelievably unrealistic it is. 

Their plan calls for forcing every single American family to rebuild their homes according to their standards. It calls for eliminating air travel and constructing taxpayer-subsidized high-speed rail across the United States. 

At the same time, the Governor of California recently admitted the taxpayer-funded, $77 billion high-speed rail project in his state is way over budget and behind schedule.

The Green New Deal is an attack on rural America and agriculture. It would force every farm to replace their tractors that run on gas or diesel and find a way to “stop cows from farting.” Take it from this family farm owner who has spent his entire life around livestock – the only way to do this is to end the cattle industry entirely or force every American to become a vegetarian.

As it turns out, guaranteeing wages for people unwilling to work, giving away free college tuition to everyone, and remaking the entire economy would be pretty expensive. 

The former director of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the Green New Deal will cost taxpayers 93 TRILLION dollars, 86 percent of the entire net worth of all American households. It is not hyperbole to say this plan would bankrupt our country – every household would be on the line for $600,000. On top of this, it’s estimated that your energy bills would skyrocket by $3,800 per household as we ban all affordable energy options.

This plan is completely misguided, as the United States has already reduced carbon emissions more than any other country in the world. At the same time, China emits more carbon than the United States and the entire European Union combined and is increasing their emissions by billions of metric tons. The Green New Deal would eliminate American jobs, handicap our economy, and bankrupt our government without doing a single thing to address countries like China and India who increase their emissions. 

But misguided policies erring on the side of attacking American citizens is the new normal with the Democrat majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. This week House Democrats passed H.R. 8, a bill that targets law-abiding gun owners but would do nothing to prevent violent crimes or mass shootings. Under H.R. 8 you could face a year in prison and a $100,000 fine for safekeeping guns from a suicidal friend, lending a rifle to someone for a hunting trip, or letting a family member use your firearm at the shooting range. I voted NO on this bill which infringes on your 2nd Amendment rights but does nothing to stop criminals who break the law.

We should bet on the American people, not the federal government. Time and time again the bureaucrats in Washington waste our tax dollars and make life harder for farmers and small businesses. When someone is new on the job and doesn’t quite know what they’re doing yet, we often say they’re “green.” In that sense, this really is a “Green” New Deal.


Anonymous said...

Like the others in your party I applaud you for not having any serious personal thoughts except those of the GOP and what they tell you. I would imagine you are in constant contact with the NRA also and well as Butina. I feel it too bad you neglect the actual needs of the citizens to devote so much time with these trivial mutterings given to you versus actually pursuing worthwhile legislative actions that would benefit those lower class minions that believed you were going to work for them.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you come up with original posts, 8:41? I want to hear you defend the Green New Deal instead of spewing repetitive, moronic attacks. Tell us all how great this country will be if anything ever becomes of the big New Green Deal. Tell us how great it is if we start allowing infanticide to be legal. Stand up and defend your precious party's ideas. Come on, we are all waiting to hear your SERIOUS PERSONAL THOUGHTS.

Anonymous said...

I could down the list of what is needed. First of all, one needs to be open to new ideas and then let the intellectuals moderate and propose time frames of when they could be met with success. As in my Wagner approach there is a plethora of situations that need to be addressed, but one must have some vision of the future. Imagine if Kennedy had not promised to land a man on the moon unless you think that is done in LA on sound stage. The cost has been pegged to be very high, trillion or two in dollars. Let us look at what your hollow headed leader has put us in over the last year or two with tax cuts. Coal has dwindled to nil, but gas has been a stop gap to energy sources during those dirty machines shut down. I am not sure what got you off track on infanticide, but then you probably prefer to make woman have babies from rape or other insidious acts against them. Too bad you detest women so much and maybe cheap or free birth control would be available so society does not have to support these additional children borne into families not equipped or wanting the children. Cars can be made, think pea brain about the future, with good distance mileage with a constructed fast charging system to sustain longer travel times. What is the average travel by car per day? Maybe 15-60 miles for a vast majority so a car with a 300 mile range would only need charging once or twice per week. Think of the oil saved over electric vehicles and reduce cost of maintenance cost to the consumer. As to the cows, you didn't mention that, but science has shown better yields and a 80% reduction in methane would be achieved by feeding sea weed which harvested would reduce the nitrogen and phosphorus polluting our oceans because you cave men have refused to clean up your wastewater plants nor clean up water being supplied to the citizens. Imagine children not exposed to fumes and not battling asthma or other breathing disorders. Oops, just stepped on the toes of out of control health care money mongers. You need to adjust to new ideas and all new ideas start off with a lofty ambition, but over time they are tempered until the old school starts to see the way. Maybe you could get off your horse and start thinking 21st or 22nd century for not you, but your kids or grandkids. Jeez, you right wing nutbags just do not get that the world keeps revolving/rotating and stagecoaches are out and silent clean vehicles, trains and bicycles are in for good. It would take more space and time if a good discussion were to be had and I am tired of trying to reason with the GOP that is too timid to turn down lobbyists money for the sake of civilization. Oops, the drool out of your mouth is showing.

Anonymous said...


Sister, you seem a bit unhinged. I clearly follow @12:01 listing things that the Democrat party seem to favor these days. He or she mentions infanticide, which is different than abortion and which is also being bantered around in some circles as being acceptable. Google with that open mind that you preach about and you will see what @12:01 was talking about, Darling. All that being said, why would not wanting a baby killed make you assume that @12:01 hates women? Hell, @12:01 could be a woman for all you know or I know.
Then there is your jibber jabber about JFK. You kinda compare him to good ol' AOC, don't ya? God help us. The only thing I will say about that, Honey, is in JFK's desire to beat the Russians to the moon he wasn't in danger of collapsing major industries in order to do it. The GND would have a huge negative impact on the airline industry, the oil industry, coal industry and the cattle industry. None of those are tiny little things, Baby. But hey I guess it would be a boon to the construction industry as we all retrofit every building in the country to meet new government standards.
These are just a couple of observations, Sugar. I didn't even mention how it is no one's business how much another person makes per year or how much beef they eat. The thought of having a government that meddles in those kinda things makes me want to buy brown shirt? Ya know what I mean, Angel?

Anonymous said...

2:45, I asked for serious personal thoughts, not the deranged speaking points of of your comm... your Democrat party. But I guess if that is all you have, that's all you have.

Anonymous said...

And the poster at 2:45 goes silent as he reads 4:38, glances in the mirror and asks himself what's wrong with the brown shirt he is wearing. He thinks it makes him look handsome.