Thursday, March 14, 2019

Roy Blunt: Why I voted against President Trump's border wall emergency declaration

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO issued the following statement on his vote for a measure disapproving President Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency to secure border wall funding:

I fully support President Trump’s commitment to secure the border and build physical barriers wherever they are needed.

I have repeatedly said that securing the border has to be the first step in addressing our immigration issues. There are several existing authorities that could be used to support what President Trump wants to do at the border without creating a court case or declaring an emergency. I have encouraged him to use those authorities.

This issue will be settled in the courts. That could take months and result in future Presidents having emergency authority to use in other ways. 

Democrats have already made clear that they believe they could use this same authority to impose policies like gun control or the Green New Deal.

Those decisions should not be made without congressional action. I was aggressively opposed to the Obama administration’s attempts to circumvent Congress’s appropriating authority to prop up Obamacare. The same principle should apply regardless of which party occupies the White House.


Anonymous said...

Why you cheeky, little monkey, Roy! I see what you did there!

Anonymous said...

Roy you are a sell out. You lost votes today, you're just another Claire.

Anonymous said...

Roy has always been a sellout, he just couldn't be bought by Trump for once.

Anonymous said...

He has been in politics way too long, needs to go.

Unknown said...

Just feel you should have stood with President Trump!

Anonymous said...

September 11 was an “emergency’.

The wall doesn’t even compare.

Anonymous said...

You are a Traitor to Missourians. Now we know.

Unknown said...

Better worry Roy, I have a great memory! I will be voting against you!

Anonymous said...

I’m sure that he voted against it because he wasn’t cut in on the deal or it worked against whatever schemes he has cooking.

Steve Holmes said...

You all who criticize him will vote for him again, unless he is upset in a primary challenge by a clone of Trump. 'Cause if the primary challenge fails, and Blunt is the candidate, you'll hold your nose and vote for him to keep the Democrat out. That's modern politics: Pick the lesser of the evils.

Anonymous said...

Senator Blunt: From a political perspective I believe you should've supported President Trump as he was going to veto it anyway and Democrats have been using you and the other Republicans as fodder that even Republicans don't support Trump. First of all, everyone knew that Trump would veto a down vote so your move hasn't changed anything besides potentially alienating constituents. I read the National Emergency Act and feel the Supreme Court will support Trump based on how the legislation reads. I don't like how open-ended it is and believe that the legislative branch should narrow its scope to where it clearly states that budgets can't be pick-pocketed. But for now, as it reads, Trump will have more closely utilized it for a "National Emergency," more so than other presidents such as Obama's use in Yemen; it was by no means a national emergency. The bottom line is I feel that it was a bad move on your part because it helped the Democrat Party's narrative of a lack of support for President Trump and as you know that is currency in D.C.

Unknown said...

Roy Blunt you just lost my vote and support. Hopefully there will be a strong primary challenge which I will vote for: maybe it's time time for you to be retired so you can graze next to the swamp with the rest of the retired creatures!

Missouri Deplorableu said...

That is lame, whether or not trump declares an emergency has nothing to do with what the dems will do. Did we cause them to ram the affordable care act through like they did? No! And they will do what they want regardless of what trump does. Mr. Blunt you have a defeatist attitude. Just get with the program and quit worrying about the dems.

Anonymous said...

he just lost my vote

Anonymous said...

I look at most of these comments and its no wonder people think Southern Missouri is about as bassackwards as Aladamnbama!

Anonymous said...

It's time for you to get out of politics. You've shown your true colors. So goodbye and good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Blunt is right.

Anonymous said...

Roy needs to go. Been there too long - I won't vote for you. DRAIN THAT SWAMP!!

Anonymous said...

Vote for today, tomorrow may not be here for you. I will have to think about giving you my vote again. You are looking looking like a RINO!