Sunday, September 06, 2020

Carthage R-9 cancels ninth grade football game after student-athlete tests positive for COVID-19

(From the Carthage R-9 School District)

The Carthage R-9 School District was notified by the Jasper County Health Department that a Carthage High School student-athlete tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Carthage R-9 School District assisted the health department by providing contact logs, rosters, and other pertinent information for contact tracing purposes to use in the event of potential COVID-19 exposure. 

Students and staff directly exposed to the positive case were notified by a representative of the District or the Jasper County Health Department.

As a result of this exposure, the 9th-grade football game scheduled to take place on Monday, September 7 is canceled and there will be no football practice for 9th-grade on Monday. 

We thank you for partnering with us to keep the Tiger family safe and well!

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