Thursday, September 03, 2020

Missouri NEA asks DESE to create school COVID-19 exposure report for parents, teachers, public

(From the Missouri National Education Association)

Today, the Missouri National Education Association (Missouri NEA) released its “COVID -19 Exposures and Closures” report detailing 59 separate incidents of exposure to COVID-19 in local schools and school-related activities. The report combines information from educators, parents, school districts, and local media.

“Missouri NEA began reporting incidents of COVID-19 exposure in our schools to inform parents and educators,” said Phil Murray, president of the Missouri National Education Association. 

“We have reported 59 incidents of exposure to COVID-19. It is extremely distressing because we know it doesn’t capture the true scope of school-related exposures, and signals the potential for increased risk as children return to school.”

As a new school year begins, many parents are deciding between in-person or virtual education for their children. Parents are weighing the potential risk of exposure to COVID-19 against the benefits of available educational options. 

Parents and educators do not have all the information necessary to make an informed decision. Missouri NEA is calling on the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and Governor Parson to require school districts to report COVID-19 incidents and create a public registry of school-related COVID-19 exposures.

“Parents must be able to make informed decisions about their children’s education and well-being,” said Murray. As educators, we want parents to have the facts. Access to timely, factual information is essential as parents weigh the risks and benefits of their children returning to school.”

Missouri NEA has sent a letter to Commissioner of Education Margie Vandeven requesting DESE create a school exposure report accessible by parents, educators, and the public. The report should include:

-The specific school building or school activity where the exposure occurred.

-The date of the COVID-19 incident.

-The number of students or staff exposed.

-Actions the school district is taking to inform parents and staff.

-Safety precautions the district is implementing to limit exposure and spread to others.

Missouri NEA will update the “COVID-19 Exposures and Closures” report each week and publish it at

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