Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Joplin cardiologist on COVID-19 vaccine: When my turn comes, I will present arm and be grateful for it

(As the first COVID-19 vaccines are being administered in the United Kingdom, Dr. John Cox, a Joplin cardiologist, wrote the following post on his Facebook page attempting to correct misconceptions about the vaccine and offer his thoughts on it.)

In 2003 the SARS epidemic occurred. Scientists looked carefully at this virus and determined that the spike protein was the virus’s Achilles heel for vaccine development. In January, 17 years later, when the gene sequence was published for Covid 19, they quickly realized it was very similar. They knew where to attack it. 

Two Turkish immigrants to Germany had spent years on the use of messenger RNA for cancer treatment and potentially vaccines. 

Enter Pfizer and Moderna. They quickly saw the potential of using messenger RNA technology to attack the old enemy’s cousin virus by producing antibodies to the spike protein. Now 11 months , 45,000 volunteers and brilliant science later , an elderly British woman received the first inoculation outside study protocols today. 

The beginning of the end of this horrible plague has arrived. 

Other approaches to attack the protein are coming, too. Adenovirus technology will be here later in '21.
Messenger RNA stays in the cytoplasm. It never enters the cell nucleus so DNA mutation cannot occur.
Eggs or horse serum are not used to grow virus or produce product hence far fewer allergic reactions.

In the study population very very few problems occurred. Mainly there was the typical sore arm and low grade fever for a couple of days. 

The issue will be having enough.

(The US passed on the purchase of an additional 100 million doses this fall) and distribution via very cold storage. The Trump plan of military involvement I guess is not a viable plan. Some areas have no ultra cold storage and will have to wait for other technologies to be available. There was no plan to buy or make more ultra cold refrigerators. 

The other big issue is pushback by approximately 40 percent of the population on getting a vaccination when it’s available. If enough vaccinations do not occur then viral levels in the community do not drop. The epidemic and its stress on healthcare facilities will not go away as a result. The economy will not bounce back. Sporting events, schools and businesses will still be affected. 

When my turn comes I will present arm. I’ll be grateful for it. My family will all in turn get one too when it’s their turn. 

We will see if conspiracy and disinformation continues to rule us. We will see if crazy talk drowns scientific fact. Will the US again be laughed at as the crazy old uncle?

Why don’t we all take a sip from the verifiable truth mug. Let’s listen to recognized experts and epidemiologists, virologists and vaccine experts. Haven’t we suffered enough without going all Thelma and Louise again?

As for me....the vaccine can’t happen too soon.

Update: News of an allergic reaction in two healthcare workers who had such severe allergies that they carried epi pens changes nothing with the exception that those people with repeated and severe allergic reactions should proceed with caution. That’s a tiny percentage of the population.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Education vs. Intelligence. Know the difference.