Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Missouri attorney general supporting Texas effort to toss out election results, give Trump a second term

When January 20 rolls around, Joe Biden will take the oath of office and become President of the United States.

That hasn't stopped lawyers representing the current president from filing fruitless (and factless) lawsuits attempting to overturn the results in various states. 

Out of more than 50 legal actions, only one has been successful and that one was on a technicality that did not change any results.

One of the more ridiculous filings has been the action taken by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is suing the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin claiming they used the pandemic to put in election rules that skewed the results of the election (translation: his candidate didn't win).

And he is not alone in his effort. He will have the complete support of Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt.

In a Tuesday evening tweet, Schmitt made his position clear and dragged the rest of us in on it since it is the taxpayers' money he will be using.

Election integrity is central to our republic. And I will defend it at every turn. As I have in other cases - I will help lead the effort in support of Texas’ #SCOTUS filing today. Missouri is in the fight. 

This announcement raises an important question- If Ken Paxton is serving as Don Quixote in this effort to overturn the vote of the people, what role is Eric Schmitt playing- Sancho Panza or Sancho Panza's mode of transportation?

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