Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Deliveryman sues Granny Shaffer's, claims he slipped on icy freezer entryway

A deliveryman who claims he slipped and suffered "traumatic injuries' while delivering food to Granny Shaffer's restaurant, 2728 Rangeline Road filed suit today in Jasper County Circuit Court.

According to the lawsuit, which was filed by Robert Powell, Joplin, the slip occurred December 27, 2022, there were no signs warning about the ice in the entryway, nor any type of non-slip tread.

The petition indicates Powell injured his right shoulder and has incurred costs for surgery and rehabilitation, that he continues to have pain and has "lost earnings."

Powell alleges negligence and is asking for "fair and reasonable" damages and costs.

Powell is represented by Scott Vorhees of Johnson, Vorhees and Martucci.


Anonymous said...

1.5 years later files suit?

Anonymous said...

Slip and fall garbage!! I hope he loses and has to pay Granny's legal fees!! And represented by the greatest cabal of ambulance chasers and hucksters ever assembled in one bar. Nice ads on the backs of tow trucks, are the ambulances next?!

Anonymous said...

5 year statute of limitations in MO.
People often wait if they have ongoing problems and financial losses.

Anonymous said...

Granny will lose

Anonymous said...

You don't understand how things work

Anonymous said...

Amazing how Granny’s employees walk in and out of there on the regular and don’t have issues. Perhaps he should have brought this to his employer’s attention at the time it happened and claimed work comp? Or maybe knowingly walking into a “freezer” would use common sense and know there is a rally good chance the floor would be slick in a “freezer”! Perhaps he should have been wearing the proper foot wear to prevent such an incident.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a lot of you are being real pricks about something you know absolutely nothing about.

How would you feel if something bad happened to you, and your community anonymously ridiculed you for it?

"Wow, hurhur the employees can walk around that freezer all day". Have you worked in the food industry? All these freezers are slippery, you kinda get used to walking on ice. This guy? Who knows, maybe he didn't know, maybe it was slicker than usual.

"He should've poured hot coffee on himself" You realize that woman was horribly burned, and she didn't want the money she received, the jury wanted it. You just look like another insensitive jerk.

Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Anonymous said...

All these people that sue, I sure hope they don’t make a mistake that cost them their livelihood. I personally could have sued probably a dozen times, but just because you could doesn’t mean you should. Those without sin throw the first stone…

Anonymous said...

@3:32 Put aside your blind judgement for a moment.

This person could have easily already exhausted all resources they have to take care of this themselves, leaving them with the option of bankruptcy, poverty, or sue.