Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nodler machine keeps piling up money

Sen. Gary Nodler probably doesn't need the money to retain his 32nd District seat, but the Republican incumbent has collected nearly $9,000 in contributions during the past week, according to documents filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission.
On Saturday, K12, a national group that supports educational vouchers contributed the maximum $650, while Wal-Mart Stores, whose owners, the Walton family, have been among the biggest proponents of pouring public money into private schools, chipped in with an additional $500.
Nodler has collected about two-thirds as much money during the past week as his general election opponent, Joplin social worker Kim Wright, has collected during her entire campaign.
Other Nodler contributors this week have included the Freeman Physicians PAC, Harrah's Casinos, Transystems Corporation, Pyramid Home Health Services, Centene Management Co. LLC, National Prearranged Services, Inc., MOSFA PAC, Integrirty Home Care, Springfield; MCA PAC, First State Bank of Purdy, and Norvartis.


Anonymous said...

WHAT! More money for this fellow? If that is not indicative of big business "owning" a legislative person, I really don't know what is. This piling of money has got to stop. Thanks to this report, I am definitely voting WRIGHT.

Anonymous said...

I think its time for either campaign spending limits or a law that forces politicians to give all that excess money they collected during the campaign to charity.

Anonymous said...

As a long time "independent conservative" I am also voting for Wright!

Anonymous said...

If there was ever -AND I MEAN EVER- a special interest candidate, it would be this man's opponent.