Meeting Agenda
A. Call to Order
1. Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Approval of Agenda - Action
D. Reports
1. Board President's Report
a. Celebrations - Info. (Jeff Koch)
b. BOE Policy Committee (D. Gould, J. Martucci, & B. Jordan)
2. Superintendent's Data Report
a. Support Services Update - (Sandra Cantwell)
b. Health and Dental Care Insurance Reports - Info. (Dr. Lankford)

c. Financial Statements - Info. (Dr. Lankford)

d. Enrollment Report - Info. (Dr. Moss)

E. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
F. Consent Agenda - Action
1. Approve Minutes - Action (Pat Waldo)
2. Consent Contracts - Action

a. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Security Agreement

b. La Quinta Inn

c. Mercy College of Nursing

d. Spring River Village

e. Land of Smiles

f. Culligan Water of Joplin

3. Policy Updates for Second Reading - Action (Dr. Moss)

a. Policy IGBE: Students in Foster Care

4. Fuel Purchase - Action (Dr. Sachetta)

G. Regular Agenda
1. JEC - Prime Contract Change Order #14 Crossland Construction Co. - Action (Dr. Sachetta)

2. Corner Greer Architect Contract for the MEC Remodel - Action (Dr. Sachetta)

3. Accounts Payable - Action (Dr. Lankford)

4. Summer School for School Year 2017/18 - Action (Dr. Gilbreth)

5. Middle School Math Textbook Adoption - Action (Dr. Gilbreth)

6. Purchase Eight School Buses - Action (Dr. Sachetta)
7. Articulating Boom Lift - Action (Dr. Sachetta)

8. Contract Lawn Care Service - Action (Dr. Sachetta)
9. Commodity Food Processing for School Year 2018/19 - Action (Dr. Sachetta

10. Student Information System - Action (Dr. Sachetta)

11. Policy Update for First Reading - Action (Dr. Moss)

a. Policy EHB: Technology Usage

b. Policy IL: Assessment Program:

c. Policy KL: Public Concerns and Complaints

d. Policy KLA: Concerns and Complaints Regarding Federal Programs

e. Policy ADF: Nutrition Guidelines

f. Policy IKF: Graduation Requirements

H. Plus/Delta - Info. (Dr. Moss)
1. Plus: What did we do well
2. Delta: Opportunities for Improvement
I. BOE Announcements
J. Adjourn
Agenda. The dam Joplin School board always has an agenda.
Mr. T, what's the La Quinta agenda item? Couldn't access it. Thanks
The La Quinta item is for a music department trip to Columbia.
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