Saturday, October 06, 2018

Jason Smith: Letting illegal immigrants vote dilutes the value of our citizenship

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

Choosing our elected leaders in the voting booth is one of our most sacred rights and serious responsibilities as American citizens. Yet some states are now pushing to hand this privilege and civic duty over to people who are in our country illegally, undermining both our electoral process and what it means to be an American citizen.

Cities in California, Illinois, and Maryland are taking the extreme step of disregarding their state constitutions and registering illegal immigrants to vote in elections.

This is the latest push by the radical left to give illegal immigrants the rights and privileges reserved for American citizens, without any respect to the rule of law and our immigration process. 

Thankfully federal law currently bans illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections, but this is a crowd that has no respect for the law: they ignored federal laws when they established ‘sanctuary city’ policies, and they turned their noses up at their state constitutions which bar illegal immigrants from voting. 

If laws mean nothing to them, what will stop states from pushing for illegal immigrants to vote for President and other federal offices?

The value of our citizenship, the rights and privileges it guarantees, and the rule of law have to be upheld. That’s why in Congress I’ve authored a bill to defund sanctuary cities and successfully passed it out of the House of Representatives, and I’ve stood with President Trump to secure the border. 

Recently I voted in the House of Representatives to send a message to these radical cities: that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote not only undermines the importance of citizenship, but also weakens the power of the vote for law-abiding citizens.

It’s clear what liberals are really pushing for – completely open borders. First they attacked the idea of physical border security, saying it’s unnecessary or even racist for the United States to protect its borders. They support ‘catch and release’ policies and want to gut the Immigrations and Custom Enforcement Agency (ICE), the people who enforce our immigration laws and stop criminals and gangs from moving drugs and trafficking victims across the border.

Liberal towns have declared themselves ‘sanctuary cities,’ where they ban local law enforcement from reporting illegal immigration activity to federal authorities. And now they’re pushing for illegal immigrants to have more of an impact in our elections.

This all begs the question – if you can walk across the border without fear of apprehension, break the law knowing your local government won’t report you, and receive benefits and voting privileges without paying taxes, why would you become a citizen? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Handing over the right to vote to someone who has already broken our federal laws is disrespectful to every citizen, whether born in the U.S. or not. It dilutes the value of our citizenship and our votes. And it especially degrades the work of legal immigrants who earned their citizenship the hard way – and swore an oath to our Constitution.


Bass Monkey said...

I have never met a liberal or anyone else who thinks illegal aliens should get to vote. Do you have any links to proof of these cities trying to pass these laws? Sounds like a load of elephant manure to me. Just furthering the efforts by politicians to divide Americans so they can take advantage of us.

Agree with Bass Monkey said...

There's a lot of that going around! Such embarrassing behavior by our "leaders" makes voters wonder how low will they go to get what they want. VERY low and very loud, it appears. The founders knew this might happen and warned us... Pitiful and sad

Anonymous said...

>>>Just furthering the efforts by politicians to divide Americans so they can take advantage of us.<<<

Wingnuts gonna wingnut!

Because of the large number of deplorable low information Fox News viewers it works.

Anonymous said...

Jason and the entire Right wing believe in the phrase "Divide and Conquer"! If there is not a significant Blue Wave, they will succeed!!

Anonymous said...

Brass Monkey should realize by now that lies carry more weight than truth to these power brokers who bend over forwards and backwards for the campaign money. It does not have to make sense or be truthful; just something to inflame those less informed or set in their prejudicial ways of old. Mom and Dad told me these yellow, brown, black and purple people are evil and will rape, plunder and pillaged our children and economy. Sad that people of average intelligence will not seek truth with so much available on the internet and television to educate them. They do not go out and meet people, i.e. Billy Long, so they never get confronted with the argument that they are liars and thieves.

Anonymous said...

The entire repugnant republican party before country congress has adopted Hitler's "Big Lie". Maybe Trump had them all read Mein Kampf.

from Wikipedia:
In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X
Sounds just like Trump, his cabinet and our republican congress.