Monday, March 04, 2019

Ann Wagner: President Trump was absolutely right to walk away from summit with North Korea

(From Second District Congresswoman Ann Wagner)

Last week during our House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing regarding diplomacy towards North Korea, I questioned our witnesses on the ongoing North Korean negotiations and the importance of ensuring our international community holds the line on sanctions against the North Korean regime.

President Trump met with Kim Jong-un for their second summit and walked away from a deal that would have compromised our national security. North Korean denuclearization is still a vital priority in Congress, but I have always said that no deal is better than a bad deal. 

President Trump was absolutely right in his decision to walk away. 

The North Korean delegation failed to bring its nuclear experts to the talks, unlike the U.S. delegation, and it showed they were not ready to reach a deal at this time. 

The summit was worth having and U.S. officials have made clear that it was constructive, and we will keep working toward a deal that will keep America and our allies safe, as well as result in North Korean nuclear disarmament. 

It is critical we maintain all sanctions on North Korea and continue the maximum pressure campaign. We cannot accept any deal that allows sanctions relief to enrich North Korean weapons programs.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for nothing and what are doing for us? This constant barrage of B.S. from the republican national committee or your lackeys tell us nothing about what you personally are doing about health care, finance, defense, cyber protection, voting protection, education, climate change or do you know anything about that other than mouthing what you are told to mouth. That goes for the rest of your little fellow congressional reps that cannot hold much of a thought except you adore the slime bag in office.

Anonymous said...

Hey, they haven't come up with anything as ingenious as the Green New Deal but they are doing ok.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:56

I know AOC is taking up a lot of space in your head, and that’s good as it won’t rattle as bad, but the commenter you responded to stated facts. It’s hilarious that you don’t dispute them, just let us know that a freshman politician has gotten your panties in a wad.

Anonymous said...

Hey 5:01

I know my post stated that I thought the GND was "ingenious" and you obviously don't understand the word because if you did you would understand it was a compliment. I also dismissed the nitpicking of the first post saying that the Republican national committee was doing "ok". I say that because nothing in politics is perfect and if you think it is then you are simply being partisan.
As for panties being in a wad, the only reason they are is because this air is either your mom's or your wife's, I honestly don't remember which one left them at my house.

(See I can be even more childish than you are, Sweetheart.)

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:10

We are still waiting for the GOP to deliver the healthcare bill that has been promised for years, waiting for cyber protection bill that the GOP blocked from a vote, waiting for the GOP to enter the 21st century and accept climate change is real and not be the only nation besides Syria and Nicarauga that voted against the other 195 nations in the world, and you think this is “nitpicking”? Your defeatist attitude is nothing in politics is perfect, so why try? Your solution is to insult women, not knowing if I’m male or female, by implying yourself a stud? No doubt that you are the most childish here, you win the prize with your Happy Meal. You are right about one thing, I am partial towards sanity, so I will accept the partisan label.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone assumed you were a male or female as it is possible for both males and females to have wives and mothers. I didn't get any implication that the person is a "stud" simply because the poster made a childish "joke" about your wife and mother. In fact, by assuming that the poster was implying they were a stud, you were the one assuming that the poster is male when in fact the poster could be male or female. Furthermore, in some circles, if the poster is female then that "joke" would be funnier.
All that aside, you people should get a room. The fact that you keep posting trying one up someone who is just pushing your buttons and the fact that the other poster wants to push your buttons leads me to believe there is some sexual tension.

Anonymous said...

@8:11, accept that partisan label proudly, sheep. Because by accepting it you just accepted infanticide, antisemitism and the whole of the ridiculous PC culture. That is just to name a few things that you just enabled to be hung on yourself because you choose not to think for yourself but to accept what others feed you.
As stupid as your little debate was with the other person, you lost in my mind because you surrendered the individual's thoughts to group mentality. By your own admission, mind you.


Anonymous said...


You definitely have sex on your mind, probably because you never have it.

Anonymous said...

6:27 Ithe ignorance you exhibit by accepting the GOP idiocy that the other party are baby killing, anti-Semitic, politically correct followers is proof that you are the sheep that is following blindly. Are all Republicans racist, anti-women, nationalists that deny global warming and their own faults by name calling? There is clearly a divide as far as sanity is concerned, and we are all still waiting for the healthcare bill you promised for the last twenty years. Not to mention your failure on cyber security,but it seems Russia and Korea are your new best friends. I understand you’re fearful because white people are soon to be in the minority, but don’t go completely insane, you still need to provide for your children. Maybe your child wrote the bahhhhhhbahhhhh....

Anonymous said...

Here we go again...

Yep, 7:20, that is what your mom and wife were telling me last night.

Anonymous said...

7:25, my father is from Pakistan and my mother is half Mexican.

Care to try again, you race baiting moron?

And when did I ever promise you anything? Especially being that I am only 24 years old, I find it strange that you would except the promise of healthcare from a 4 year old. And just to show your ignorance even more, my best friend's name is William, not Russia or Korea. I also doubt that children are in my plans, since William doesn't want any.

Anonymous said...

12:58, both my mother and sister are dead, I guess that would make you a necrophiliac then wouldn’t it.

Anonymous said...

1:05, if you found race baiting in my comment, then you lack English comprehension. As noted in my comment I was referring to the GOP saying they had a healthcare program for over twenty years that has never been made public or implemented. I hope you and William survive the white nationalists our current president has called “very fine people”. You do understand the only Jewish American members in the Senate are Democrats, i.e. Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Bernie Sanders, Ron Wyden, and the GOP is accusing them of anti-Semitism? How can you justify such ignorance?

Anonymous said...

"There is clearly a divide as far as sanity is concerned, and we are all still waiting for the healthcare bill you promised for the last twenty years. Not to mention your failure on cyber security,but it seems Russia and Korea are your new best friends"

Your words. No mention of Republucans. Speaking to me you used the words "you promised"... sir and or madam, you either copy and paste without reading or you have no idea what you are typing.

Go take a nap. You are getting tired.

Anonymous said...

Too each their own, Orphan.

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, you need a friend. A troll has been trolling you and you keep letting them. Maybe stay away from this blog for a few days. Get some fresh air. Go see a movie. Relax and don't be so triggered.

Have some herbel tea. Deep breath.

Anonymous said...

9:55, Now you stupidly assume my father is dead, is there no limit to your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

5:39, nice job of cutting and pasting, but you still don’t understand. I also mentioned your failure on cyber security, knowing you are not the cyber security officer of the US, but speaking of the GOP as a whole. Still waiting for the proof of race baiting...

Anonymous said...

All I can do is laugh at this point. You whine because I quote you and then you go on to reinforce the point that I was making about you thinking I am the Republican party... laughter is all I have for you and your superior intellect. I am still waiting for you to not care that someone has a different opinion than you. A stranger no less. Life hasn't been very fair to you, has it?