Saturday, March 02, 2019

Sentencing date set for former Joplin police officer who pleaded guilty to felony assault in drunk driving accident

A 1:30 p.m. April 29 sentencing date has been set for a former Joplin police officer who pleaded guilty Monday to felony assault in the second degree.

Brady Stuart, 57, who worked for JPD for 12 years, was driving drunk November 22, 2016, in Webb City when he crashed into another vehicle, injuring one of the two children in the vehicle with him.

As part of the plea agreement, two charges of endangering the welfare of a child will be dropped.

Judge Gayle Crane ordered a sentencing assessment from the Board of Probation and Parole, which is due April 8.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention his time as a deputy for Jasper County as well. This worthless piece needs to share cells with a few of those he put away for the same crime and less. Maybe get reacquainted with his old buddy Gary McKinney soon.

Anonymous said...

I really hate when they drop charges that involve endangering children!

Steve Baird said...

So Mr Anonomous. You know Brady? I know him personally. I can tell you he is a good man that made a mistake. He’s paid a very high price for that mistake. I’m sorry that this happened but he is NOT in the same category as the other person you’ve named.