Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Quapaw shuts down in-person classes for high school, middle school after student tests positive for COVID-19

(From Quapaw Public Schools)

As we announced earlier, a Quapaw High School student has tested positive for COVID-19. 

Currently, Quapaw Public Schools is following CDC Guidelines and protocols set forth by our State Health Department to decrease potential spread. 

All individuals that were in direct contact are directed by our local Health Department to quarantine for fourteen days. Those students and staff members have been contacted by the High School. The last day of quarantine will be Tuesday, September 15. 

With so many students and staff being direct contacts all Middle School and High School students will begin distance learning on Thursday, September 3. 

Regular in school classes will resume on Wednesday, September 16. During the distance learning period, students will be switched over to our distance learning platform and can communicate daily with Quapaw MS HS teachers through Google Classroom and their gmail accounts.


Ron said...

It's interesting how different schools handle this. Carthage High School had a student test positive on August 30, but the school "determined that no students or staff need to be quarantined." I wonder what the difference is. Masks?

Dusty Roads said...

I agree Ron..its getting crazy out there