Monday, October 05, 2020

Carthage R-9 reports two students, three staff members with COVID-19, 46 students under quarantine

The Carthage R-9 School District had two students and three staff members with COVID-19 as of April 1, according to statistics posted on the district website.

Pleasant Valley Elementary and the Carthage Intermediate Center each had one student testing positive while the staff members were from Pleasant Valley Elementary, Mark Twain Elementary and the Administrative Office.

Students under quarantine from each school are listed below:

Carthage High School 20
Carthage Intermediate Center 7
Carthage Junior High School 6

Steadley Elementary 5
Carthage Sixth Grade Center 3
Columbian Elementary 2
Mark Twain Elementary 2
Early Childhood Center 1

Eight staff members are under quarantine with two from the Sixth Grade Center and one apiece from Early Childhood Center, Columbian, Fairview Elementary, Mark Twain, Intermediate Center and Carthage High School.

Since the beginning of school, the district has had 15 students and 12 staff members test positive for the coronavirus.

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