Monday, July 19, 2010

KWTO talk show host provides most excruciating moments at debate

I am sure Brian Calfano is a decent human being, but the host of KWTO's Morningline provided some of the most excruciating moments in the Seventh District Congressional debate tonight.

If a question takes three minutes to ask and has multiple parts, throw it out and ask a different one. Sadly, no one ever taught Calfano that lesson. That was his question for the first half of the debate and I would reprint it, but life is too short.

During the second half of the debate, Calfano, who is also a Missouri State University political science instructor asked the candidates which of the other people on stage with them they would support if they were killed in a car accident. it was the kind of question that was designed to draw attention to the questioner- and what in the world did it have to do with the issues.

When you have 10 candidates, seven Republicans (Steve Hunter was a no-show) two Democrats, and Libertarian Kevin Craig, you don't have time for showboating. (Though Democrats could not have been thrilled with hearing Scott Eckersley, praise, though not endorse, Republican Greene County Prosecuting Attorney Darrell Moore in his answer.

Gretchen Bolander of KODE, an actual reporter, asked much better questions.


Anonymous said...

If this is the best KWTO and Missouri State University have to offer, both institutions are screwed.

He asked the silliest questions in a self-promotional way and put the only negatives into play for the entire evening.

He wasn't unfair. He just came across as being really, really stupid.

Ken Meyer, surely you can do better than this when selecting someone to represent KWTO.

Anonymous said...

Brian Calfano acted like he had been invited to the wrong event tonight.

Who picked him? Out of all of the talent in Southwest Missouri, how in the world was this person selected?

The stage had top flite people to ask questions and then he show up.

I'll volunteer to be embarrased for him because I doubt he has the common sense to know he made himself out to be the ass of the evening.

Anonymous said...

When the extension people began the process of soliciting media support for the event, they needed to choose a radio personality to participate.

Having only Nick Reed and Brian Calfano to choose from, it was obvious from the start that either selection would be a dumb mistake.

Kathee Baird said...

Missouri State University political science instructor...I guess he thinks his students don't need to be informed, just controversial!

Sara Ray said...

Pretty sad when others do not understand the ability to think beyond the box or a "Brian's" desire to see the reaction of an out of the ordinary same ole same ole question.
I listen to his show on a regular basis and appreciate his knowledge and sense of humor. Geez--lighten up!
My guess is the Big Man is more than happy to have him stirring the pot in a respectful manner.

Anonymous said...

It's fascinating to me that some of those commenting seem to think the panelist who asked the most banal questions did the best job. I got most of the information provided in last nights debate from the candidates' respective websites.

You may not like his style, but Brian was the only one asking questions that provoked candid responses rather than canned ones. God forbid we actually get genuine moments in a debate instead of just the usual political theatre.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the last two comments. In a race with so many candidates displaying so little difference in position it's even more crucial to ask questions that don't get you the usual pandering responses.

If you honestly think that asking the same old questions are going to get you any new information, than you deserve to get the same old politicians representing you in Congress. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

"What kind of a car do you drive?"

Hells Bells,6:42, 7:24, 7:31, Brian had to ask that question so that you would have a topic you would understand.

I believe that the earlier posters and Turner are simply pointing out that this is about our choice to send 1 of 435 to be our voice.

We have over 500,000 people in S.W. Missouri and I would guess that the 4 of you (including Brian) really give a rat's ass what vehicle the candidates drive.

Sara Ray said...

Some of the questions were those presented to the panel by followers of KOLR and KWTO and the audience.
Who was it that asked "boxers or briefs?" I really don't remember.

Anonymous said...

You know, I really appreciated Brian for asking questions outside of the tradition box. I am so sick of getting stock, canned answers from every politician, especially when our country really needs people who can get out of their comfort zone to fix the terrible mess we're in right now. If I want to hear the lame party line from the candidates, I'm perfectly capable of checking their websites. So lay off of Brian--he did a great job with the debate and it was by far the most informative of anything I've heard out of these people yet. Also, I really hope Darrell Moore gets the GOP nod because he is the only candidate who isn't completely crazy on that side of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

Brian doesn't have a clue what he's doing, he is out matched in everything he does. The only reason Myer hired him is because he is cheap. You get what you pay for and with Brian that is so true. His mind is a reflection of his life......SIMPLE.

Anonymous said...

Brian is an example of the saying, " those that can do, those that can't teach" you might add or talk on the radio. Missouri State must be hurting for teachers and KWTO must be hurting for talent.

Anonymous said...

I think the saying should be, those who work in middle schools (Randy Turner), and can't seem to hold a real media job, are only left to write irrelevant blogs that he pays his family to post comments on. Only Turner's relatives could show the level of stupidity that he does when it comes to expected anything substantive to come out of a "debate" with the traditional "what is your policy position on _______ policy" type of questions getting asked. After all, that's why candidates have websites. Mixing things up and seeing how candidates respond to something new is much more useful for anyone with a functioning brain. Unfortunately, Turner left his back at the middle school where he works. Interestingly, the previous two comments might be from a former lover of Turner's--seeing how they put down teachers and all.