Monday, December 07, 2015

Joplin R-8 Board hires six in closed session

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education hired six during a closed session November 24.

According to the minutes, Jessica Burroughs was hired as a teacher, while Tyler Drake, Victoria Holmes, Jim Schneickert, Bryan Thompson, and Gerri Tracy were hired as certified staff.

The board also discussed litigation during the session, according to the minutes.


Anonymous said...

Much was said about teachers getting their salary exposed. Trust me they earn it and do the simple math, that is, if you had a good teacher and paid attention. 25 students per class, 7 hours contact time per day, 175 days a teaching year. Salary of $37500 if you are experienced divided by the above number of contact hours. If you did your math correctly it was roughly 30,600 hours. That means you get a baby sitter, a teacher, a role model and confidant all for the measly sum of $1.22 per hour. You cannot get a teenage babysitter for that amount and if you think it is such a great profession go to school for 4+ years and put up with administration, rules and unruly/undisciplined kids for 7 hours per day. Doubtful that any or very few parents have this much contact time with their kids and then you complain about teachers. Wife was one and I thought about and decided to keep my sanity.

Anonymous said...

Short of a Christmas miracle they can bet on hiring a whole lot more.