Saturday, October 06, 2018

Josh Hawley on Kavanaugh confirmation: McCaskill voted against will of Missouri, but that's nothing new for her

(From the Josh Hawley for U. S. Senate campaign)

Brett Kavanaugh has finally been confirmed as our next Supreme Court Justice. Congratulations, Justice Kavanaugh.

Of course, Senator McCaskill voted against the will of Missouri, but that is nothing new for her.

What we have seen from liberals in Washingon, DC over the last few weeks has been atrocious.

What should have been a thorough review of his judicial record was turned into personal attacks on him and his family.

Reasoned debate devolved into interruptions by screaming protesters.

A Democrat staffer posted the private home addresses of Republican Senators to the internet in an attempt to scare them into submission.

The confirmation process became a circus, Senator McCaskill went along with it the entire time.


Anonymous said...

I applaud McCaskill for standing up to the radical right notion that our constitution is about equal treatment and even treatment to people. The righteous Hawley believes all that are not republican should have no say in any matters pertaining to everyone's rights. The shabby directions and timeline given to the FBI to investigate was less than what we would expect of judicial oversight. The fact that over 2400 law professors came out against Kavanaugh should tell those on the right that this was not a intelligent choice. But he will be sent to the corner if he does not behave by Edwards because we have many good justices on the court that will rein him in for being a drunk and suckup to Trump.

Anonymous said...

203 Your lack of historical context on our republic reveals the result of years of progressive pablum being taught as public education..Hope you never get falsely accused.....facts must bother you

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Josh Hawley. Signed a lawsuit to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Oh, wait he found out his son has a pre-existing condition and now he is saying he will force insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions. So before he discovered his son's pre-existing condition he was all for getting rid of it. No matter what we or our family might need, so to hell with our financial security. Now that is son has a qualified pre-existing condition, he needs to make sure he is covered so Hawley can keep his money. Now you know who Josh Hawley is looking out for. HYPOCRITE!

The republican party is the party that OWNS alternative facts. You can thank your genius Kellyanne Conway for that. Republicans have been living it to the extreme. Corruption, lies, immoral and unethical behavior are all republican traits of this lying adminstration.