Friday, March 01, 2019

Billy Long: I will oppose Democrats' assault on our Second Amendment rights

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

This week, the Democratic controlled House of Representatives passed H.R. 8, an effort at gun control that failed to include any conservative ideas.

Democrats claim H.R. 8 would reduce gun violence by expanding background checks and requiring the transfer of firearms between individuals and a federally licensed firearm (FFL) dealer only. In reality this bill would only take away the rights of law-abiding citizens.

As much as the left would like to convince everyone that universal background checks work, they don’t. California is a great example of this. In 1991, California became the first state to pass a law that required universal background checks for firearm purchases. Since its passage, numerous studies have shown that universal background checks have failed to decrease the number of gun homicides.

Not only do universal background checks not work, 77 percent of individuals in state prisons for firearm crimes didn’t purchase their guns legally. According to the Department of Justice, these criminals got their firearms through theft, the black market, drug dealers or on the street. 

If signed into law, H.R. 8 would cause more harm than good. For example, if an individual wanted to borrow a friend’s rifle for a hunting trip one weekend, that friend could face up to a year in prison or a $100,000 fine. If a victim of domestic violence wanted to protect themselves from their abuser and borrowed a gun from a friend who wanted to ensure their safety, that friend could also spend up to a year in prison or a $100,000 fine.

Along with H.R. 8, Democrats also introduced H.R. 1112, the Enhanced Background Checks Act, which narrowly passed the House. H.R. 1112 extends the background check period from three days to 10 days and takes away an FFL dealer’s ability to sell a firearm to a purchaser if a background check is not completed in that timeframe. If signed into law, H.R. 1112 would require the 10-day process for a background check to start over again if not completed, essentially allowing the federal government the ability to perpetually deny a law-abiding citizen the ability to purchase a firearm.

The facts are plain and simple: these bills won’t stop gun violence. I continue to be a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. That’s why I will continue oppose legislation that is an assault on our Second Amendment rights.


Anonymous said...

Guns. Who cares? Let's kill more babies. Take the second amendment. As long as we can kill babies and save the environment.

Opiner said...

This is a well-reasoned explanation. Perhaps the Democratic members of the Legislature, who tend to represent regions of the state in which gun violence is more prevalent, could incorporate some of these specifics into their next attempt.

Steve Holmes said...

You tell 'em, Billy! We want our guns - NOW - so we can use 'em before we cool down and come to our senses.

Anonymous said...

Right on Steve! Guns and abortions! The more dead the better!

Diane Berry Durham said...

Billy won't you please come home? You know we're angry. So very angry. Coz you don't represent us well.

Anonymous said...

I hear there is a big concert in Vegas next weekend Billy, you should go.

Anonymous said...

He is always in Las Vegas.