Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Welcome to Joplin- the magic city where city managers resign and get $3K a week and superintendents retire and get $250K+

The City of Joplin and City Manager Sam Anselm reached a parting of the ways Monday during a closed session of the Joplin City Council and it certainly appears to be an amicable split.

The Council learned its lesson from the Mark Rohr fiasco of five years ago (has it been that long) and realized that if you pay a hefty severance package (to someone who supposedly resigned), and reach an agreement for both sides to refrain from making disparaging comments, then you will never have to endure another speech from a former city manager letting you know you bought a one-way ticket to hell.

So for the next seven months, Anselm will have to scrimp and save as he lives on a measly $3,046.36 a week of taxpayer money.

Thankfully, he won't face the temptation of buying tickets to watch a minor league baseball team in Joplin.

If he is fortunate, Anselm will have the time to read daily Joplin Police Department "incident spotlight" reports. (And since Anselm is gone, is there any reason not to resume posting those?)

Welcome to Joplin, the city where city managers can "resign" and get paid for seven months and have insurance costs and where school district superintendents can "retire" and get paid a full salary for another year and a half and receive a $50,000 consulting fee.

As long as no one makes any disparaging comments.


Anonymous said...

Randy why won't you admit that this is a fine type of work if and when a person can get it?

Anonymous said...

I am submitting my application tomorrow for City Manager
First order of business, adequate wages for all law enforcement and firefighters
Second order of business, fire the guy in charge of all this crappy road construction
Third, sign the new ball field over to the The Boy's Club
Fourth, stop plans for the Connect to Culture, destroying Memorial Hall and keep them from creating another bottomless money pit like the ballpark

Anonymous said...

You'd have my vote if I was brave enough to move back to Joplin.

Anonymous said...

It’s called a CONTRACT. Most employees are “at will”. Unless there is gross negligence or some other breach of contract the city MUST pay the contract or be sued for breaching it. Call it a resignation, call it retirement, call it a buyout of the contract but someone agreed to pay $3000 per week until the end of September. Also remember it is what is in the current budget so there is no extra money coming out unless they up the pay of the interim city manager. If they hire a new one before the end of the 7 months they will pay both if Sam doesn’t have a job by then.

Anonymous said...

As City Manager, you would only have the ability to do #2. Items #1, #3, and #4 are decisions made by the City Council. If you really want to have an impact then run for a council seat. The City Manager is an employee of the Council and is responsible for carrying out their directives. If you really want to know why Sam resigned then ask the Council members to explain in detail which of their directives he failed to carry out. This will tell you everything you need to know about what is going on behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it is a contract. Who came up with a guaranteed contract? If the money was guaranteed if he quits what would have stopped him from signing the contract and quitting after a few months? Guaranteed contract only works if he were fired. If not, then the issue people should have is with the idiot that would draw up and approve such a contract.