At first, the arguments in favor of photo voter identification laws sound quite enticing, but the more I read and hear about the concept, the more I am inclined to agree that it is simply a bad idea, designed to foster less participation in elections, rather than making sure they are legitimate.
It appears that not only the poor and elderly will be disenfranchised. Before a Cole County Circuit Court judge struck down Missouri's law, Fourth District Congressman Ike Skelton was denied a voter ID, according to testimony provided Wednesday in the U. S. House of Representatives. Skelton voted against a national photo voter ID bill, but ended up on the losing side of a 228-196 tally, which was mostly on party lines with Republicans overwhelmingly supporting the bill and Democrats opposing it:
Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., said he was initially denied a voter ID required under a Missouri state law because he doesn't have a driver's license and couldn't immediately produce a passport or birth certificate. His congressional ID card was not accepted.
So, what's the big deal...the guy didn't have the kind of identification required so he shouldn't have gotten a license....it's good to see that favortism was not shown - even if the guy has fed out of the public trough for most of his life....let him live under the rules like everyone else.
way to go whoever refused his attempt to get around the law by flashing is congressional ID!
Nice...hard to believe - ummm really really hard to believe but nice.
Why doesn't he drive? I find that rather odd.
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