In a campaign news release issued today, Jack Truman, D-Lamar, the Democratic candidate for Seventh District Congress, laid out his positions on numerous campaign issues. The text of the release is printed below:
This weekend was something else to see in the news.
It was a banner weekend for Republicans in the media. Along with Bob
Ney's conviction, Colin Powell, John McCain, and 3 Republican
Senators distancing themselves from President Bush, it made for a
great weekend for Democrats.
And I believe the best is yet to come.
Election day will be here in a little over a month. And I hope
voters realize by that time they have an opportunity to put our
government back in the people's hands.
The top story in yesterday's Kansas City Star was about Republicans
having to re-adjust their strategy. Everything is going bad right
now for the Republican party. Everything. The only thing they have
to talk to voters, out of all of our issues, is the 'war on terror'.
And that is even something that is getting worse among Republicans.
Republicans are in a real struggle right now, between the president
and 2 of the most respected figures of their party, John McCain and
Colin Powell.
The Republican party's entire campaign is hinging on the war on
terror and homeland security. Let's take a look at that for a minute.
The whole Military tribunal issue has been a global embarrassment
for the Republican party. Thank goodness McCain, along with 2 other
Republican Senators, are standing in the way of Bush's tribunal
plan. It is nice to see that there are at least a few Republicans
out there that agree with the American majority, and the Supreme
Court, that this violates basic principles of American's fairness,
and endangers our troops.
Even our U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Bush's military tribunals are
Being an Army veteran, this government sickens me with the way they
are handling this.
And what about Bush's 'eavesdropping' program? His warrantless
surveillance program? Talk about violation of our rights...thank
goodness a federal judge ordered the NSA's warrantless surveillance
program illegal. His 'terrorist surveillance program' is being
rebelled against by civil liberty Republicans on the House. It's
nice to see that there is chaos in Washington among Republicans.
And what about my opponent, Roy Blunt? I would like to hear his
stand on this. For the record, my opponent Roy Blunt has a voting
record with President Bush, voting on Bush's side 95% of the time.
Ninety-five percent. That should say something right there.
The Republican party continues say that their party is best equipped
to keep Americans safe. They love the position we are at right now.
Fear and power. That represents the Republican party. Fear and
power. You don't see my opponent Roy Blunt, or other Republicans
talking about issues that are important, like national health care,
ending the fight on obesity, health and nutrition, social security,
education, protecting our environment from global warming, helping
the worker by raising the minimum wage, freedom of speech, and
helping the people. They don't want to talk about important issues
for the people. It's all about fear and power.
Let's talk for a minute about Homeland Security. Here are some facts:
*The 9/11 commission gave the Bush administration poor grades when
it came to security.
*A homeland security committee gave the administration its worst
grades in regards to protecting our borders, ports, airports, trains
and transit systems.
*Much of our country's hazardous materials rest in the hands of the
private sector, and are being unregulated.
*Katrina showed us how equipped our security structure is when
handed a natural disaster. We are supposed to secure our homeland.
Where was our government when our people needed them?
Bush and our Republican controlled government has focused too much
energy and resources on the war on Iraq, diverting focus on what is
necessary to protect Americans at home.
The war on terror? Homeland Security? These are supposed to be the
safest issues for the Republicans this election year. And it's being
shown and proven, most Americans disagree with our Republican
controlled government. Even the Republicans cannot agree. Some
party, isn't it? This is an example of what is making America a
global laughing stock. I hope the voters see these facts for
themselves. We have the power to work together to make change. Let's
do that.
I'm just an underdog, against a political powerhouse this fall. I
love being the underdog. It makes me not afraid to say what I think
about anything. Nothing at all. I'm just a poor American worker,
like most Americans. I have no insurance. Just like most Americans.
I am tired and sick of seeing the direction our country is taking.
Just like most Americans. I want to give you, the voters, a real
choice this fall.
Do not be afraid to vote for change. Change is good. And change will
make us a better America.
Didn't he claim he was related to Harry S Truman? I hope someone checks that claim of being a veteran.
Was the government going to send troops to fight Katrina Jack?
You have said you want to end the war on terror. How? Just unilaterally quit and hope the problem goes away? We tried that and look what we got. No thanks. Stay in Lamar.
Also, Jack changed his name to Truman from Kerney....
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