Monday, October 30, 2006

Columnist remembers Huntley-Brinkley

Syndicated columnist Cal Thomas offers some thoughts on the 50th anniversary of the start of the Huntley-Brinkley Report, and in doing so, offers some cogent commentary on the state of today's network television journalism:

When a great and accomplished person passes from the scene through retirement or death, some like to say, "There will never be anyone like him again." That is true of Huntley and Brinkley, not because there are none to equal them, but because management no longer wants their type. You can see why by reading some of Brinkley's books or watching tapes of "The Huntley-Brinkley Report" when you visit New York's Museum of Broadcast Communications or Vanderbilt University's Television News Archive in Nashville. These guys had class and conveyed credibility and authority.

I missed much of the heyday of the Huntley-Brinkley Report, though I remember the "Good Night, Chet, Good Night, David," signoff that both men reportedly hated.
I do well remember enjoying David Brinkley's wry look at the news, which combined with his knowledge of politics and his journalistic credibility is something that is sorely missed today.

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