Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Icet trumpeting endorsement of Missouri pro-life organizations

In a statement issued this morning on his Facebook page, state auditor candidate Rep. Allen Icet, R-Wildwood, emphasized his endorsement by Missouri pro-life organizations:

State Auditor candidate Allen Icet is proud to be the only Auditor candidate on the August 3rd primary ballot to receive the backing of both of Missouri’s statewide pro-life organizations.
Having previously won the support of Missouri Right to Life, Icet has now been endorsed by Missourians United for Life. MUL opposes abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, and other attacks on life and is particularly opposed to state tax dollars being awarded to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Icet has vowed to sound the alarm regarding any plans to spend state dollars for entities and efforts demonstrating a lack of regard for the sanctity of human life.
In announcing its endorsement, Missourians United for Life notes Icet not only opposes abortion and other life-ending attacks, but has served with distinction in a public capacity in support of life issues.
“Like Missouri Right to Life, Missourians United for Life has studied my record of protecting the unborn and preventing taxpayer funding of abortions,” said Icet. “It is clear that my commitment to life will guide my principles as I assume the role of the taxpayers’ watchdog.”


Anonymous said...

No, David Plemmons is not an idiot. I have been around him for years and to classify him in this manner would be doing a great disservice to idiots.

His accume and intelligence has been questioned in the past and, unless their is a way to measure both, should not even be an issue. Not being measureable and all.

Anonymous said...

Is Ice-T up to speed on his reporting of campaign finance?

His major mistake and memory lapse in misreporting his finances does not set well with me for a person who wants to be Missouri Auditor.

In fact, he will lose on this one, stupid, mistake.

How do you pronounce the other candidate's name?