Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Dirk Deaton named Freshman Legislator of the Year

(From Rep. Dirk Deaton)

State Representative Dirk Deaton has been recognized as a “Freshman Legislator of the Year” for his work this legislative session to protect Missouri taxpayers and promote fiscally responsible spending.

Deaton was awarded the honor by House Speaker Elijah Haahr, who commended the Republican for his work on protecting the tax dollars of Missouri citizens and ensuring that state funding is utilized as efficiently as possible.

As a member of the House Budget Committee, Deaton has led efforts to reduce ineffective spending across multiple departments while working diligently toward completing a fiscally accountable state budget. He also serves on the Fiscal Review Committee, where he has earned the respect of his colleagues as a voice of reason concerning the budgetary impact of proposed bills. He also is a member of the Special Committee on Government Oversight, where he has had a laser focus on taxpayer-funded institutions and their actions.

“I would like to thank the Speaker for this honor and for putting me on these committees that give me the ability to truly improve the level of fiscal responsibility here in Missouri,” Deaton said. “Each dollar counts when it comes to making sure our government is working for the good of all Missourians in a fiscally responsible and accountable manner, and it is a privilege to serve the constituents of my district and the state.”

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