Monday, July 19, 2010

Candidates on immigration

Long- I'd like to abandon having the President of Mexico come up here and lecture us about border control. I am for tightening our borders.

Wisdom- No amnesty whatsoever. Arizona has it right. We need to round up as many illegals as possible.

Kevin Craig- Keep the borders open.

Mike Moon- (not exact quote) We should hunt down illegals with the same efficiency we used with mad cows.

Gary Nodler- Get rid of the anchor babies. We need to vigorously prosecute employees who use illegal aliens.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Lundstrum said...

I would not vote for any of these bigoted jerks, Get real, they come here to work, Help them to become citizens of this country so they pay taxes too. I am pretty much sure that Hispanics are not the only illegal immigrants in this country- what about the men on student visa's who helped blow up the Twin Towers?