Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Contributions from "self-employed" among those Richard may have to return

The Missouri Ethics Commission decision last week requiring politicians to return campaign contributions in excess of the state's recently restored limits may force Speaker-of-the-House-in-waiting Ron Richard to return contributions from the self-employed.
Yes, those who work for themselves, have shown their support for the Joplin Republican by donating their hard earned cash, including James Harris and Nathan Adams, both of Jefferson City, both of whom dropped $1,000 into Richard's campaign account.

While Richard's campaign treasurer Nick Myers, a Joplin CPA, lists Harris and Adams' occupations as "self-employed," the Missouri Ethics Commission lists both men as registered lobbyists.

Harris' clients include Comcast, while Adams represents Alanco, a Scottsdale, Ariz., firm that sells tracking technology to trucking companies and correctional systems, and also numbers several state medical concerns among his clientele.

In addition to the "self-employed" lobbyists, who donated more than the maximum amount, the Sept. 12 Turner Report lists a number of other lobbyists and special interests who contributed to Richard.

An Associated Press story published this weekend indicated Richard had more to lose if he has to return the money than any other 2008 House candidate. The story indicated Richard has not decided whether he will claim a hardship and ask the Ethics Commission not to require him to return the money.

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