Friday, February 08, 2019

Billy Long: I will continue to support pro-life legislation

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Each January, thousands of pro-life Americans, including hundreds from Missouri, travel from all over the country to Washington, D.C. to attend the annual March for Life.

This event started following the controversial Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case in 1973, which made killing innocent children in the womb perfectly legal in all 50 states. Let that sink in. 

As a senior in high school when this decision came down, I could not fathom how it could possibly be legal to kill an innocent unborn child. Now, 46 years later, as a U.S. Congressman, my opinion remains the same.

Since Roe v. Wade, several states, including Missouri, took it upon themselves to ensure that the sanctity of life is protected at every stage of pregnancy. However, states like New York and Virginia have done the exact opposite. Governor Cuomo of New York recently signed a bill into law that will allow women to have an abortion at any point during their pregnancy, including up until moments before birth. This bill was wildly cheered by New Your lawmakers upon passage. Think about that for a minute.

Virginia has proposed something similar. A Virginia House Delegate introduced a bill that would allow a woman to have an abortion up until delivery. Thankfully, due to a Republican majority in the Virginia House of Delegates, this bill was tabled in committee. But not before Governor Ralph Northam, a pediatrician, (A.K.A. “First do no harm”) no less spoke in favor of infanticide. “To Full Term and Beyond!” which prompted someone to go to their “bookcase and return” with the medical school yearbook that featured one person in blackface and one in a KKK hood on Governor Northam’s page. The good governor has not had a good week.

I have worked hard to correct this egregious policy by passing legislation and advocating on behalf of pro-life policies. So far in the 116th Congress, I have cosponsored a number of bills that would aim to protect the unborn by stripping money from abortion providing institutions, such as Planned Parenthood, and establishing that human life begins at conception. Along with cosponsoring legislation, in January, my pro-life colleagues and I sent a letter to President Trump urging him to veto any legislation that would weaken or reverse pro-life protections currently in place. President Trump responded by sending a letter to Speaker Pelosi vowing to not sign any pro-choice legislation.

President Trump has continuously emphasized that the most basic duty of government is to guard the innocent. I don’t take this job lightly and understand the importance of this responsibility. My pro-life colleagues and I will continue to support legislation that protects innocent lives, while also ensuring current pro-life policies remain in place.


Harvey Hutchinson said...

Thank you, Congressman Long!!
A lot of unborn children also thank you.

Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

Steve Holmes said...

What are you doing for the "born," Billy? Or are they on their own after that?

Anonymous said...

I have been a Registered Nurse for a long time, but recently saw a 20 week fetus miscarriage. I have always been pro choice, but seeing that perfectly formed tiny baby was sobering. It was a tiny, miniature baby. At 20 weeks, a baby has a heartbeat and moves around in its mother. The idea of someone deliberately ending a baby’s life at 20 weeks, in a rather cruel way, now makes me nauseous. How painful that must be for the baby.

I don’t know what the answer is. I don’t know if I’m pro choice anymore. If there is going to be an abortion, I do believe the cut off time needs to be way before 20 weeks. Perhaps the best solution we, as a society, can come up with is some type of compromise. Maybe we need to place tons of resources available to women to seek out adoption. Maybe more resources for birth control. For people to simply take a stand and defend it to the end doesn’t seem to be productive. Nothing changes. There’s no problem solving.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that when I hear a politician use the word "infant" and then talk about "making it comfortable" while the mother decides if it should live, we are dealing with evil human beings. Steve Holmes garbage saying "what have you done for the born"... you sir are naive and blind. What am I doing for the born? Giving them an opportunity to live. I am not snuffing out life. Steve, what do you do for the elderly or the homeless? Should we murder them to? Should we cease all human life that may need a helping hand? Should we kill anyone who may struggle in life? Steve Holmes you and anyone who defends these actions are gutless, heartless and evil. You are the kind of person who stood guard at Auschwitz or Buchenwald.

Anonymous said...

Why does a woman's right to choose not include euthanasia? What about a man's choice? If legally life can be prevented, why can it not be ended? My body, my choice?

Also, why in case of a murdered pregnant woman is the murderer charged with two counts?

Laws are hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

These are” I’m right and you’re wrong” kind of comments. Instead of that, how about seeking solutions?

Anonymous said...

If I am against killing an infant, how can I be wrong?
Here's a solution: don't kill infants.

Anonymous said...

That’s why nothing gets solved

Anonymous said...

9:35, so nothing gets done because people know that killing infants is wrong?

Anonymous said...

You are not going to stop abortions regardless of what you do. If you think abortions are going to go away just because you change the legislation, they you really need to rethink your position. All you will do is drive the procedure underground and provide a revenue stream for Medical School dropouts and questionable Midwives. Oh yeah, and a lot of pregnant women will die during the procedure.