Thursday, July 05, 2018

State auditor releases report on Missouri Department of Conservation

(From State Auditor Nicole Galloway)

Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway today released her report on the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), which received an overall rating of fair.

"Missouri is well-known across the nation for premier outdoor opportunities, making the work of the Department of Conservation an important part of our economy," Auditor Galloway said. "It's crucial that officials ensure every dollar spent has value for Missouri taxpayers by supporting their mission."

The audit includes the details of a separation agreement that resulted in more than $120,000 in additional benefits to the former director after he resigned on July 15, 2016. The former director was paid for compensatory (comp) time earned during his 20 years of employment, plus annual leave, holiday pay, insurance premiums and other benefits earned after resignation. The audit found no documentation to support the purpose or need for the agreement.

The report also recommended changes to the department's comp time policies. Contrary to policies in most state agencies, top level supervisory and managerial staff at the Department of Conservation are able to earn comp time, including the director and deputy directors. There are also no limits on some comp time earned or accrued by employees. As of June 30, 2017, the MDC had a liability of $2.4 million for the largest type of comp time. Department policy does not require payment for all the accrued comp time hours upon termination, but in all cases, the department is liable for any hours used as leave time during employment.

Previous audit reports questioned use of state aircraft. While the department has discontinued the practice of using charter flights for commission-related business, the report includes recommendations that officials reevaluate using the state plane in certain circumstances. The audit included another repeat finding from the previous audit questioning the lack of meal limits for employees when traveling.

The full report on the Department of Conservation can be found here.


Anonymous said...

Comp time can be a rat hole used by supervisors unfairly. I always considered supervisors, higher level ones, as taking the job at straight salary and if it is 50, 60 or 70 hours so be it. If it gets to be too much maybe someone is not using their staff to the fullest and it needs to be addressed. In most instances Comp time earned should be lost if not taken in 2-3 weeks after it is earned or straight pay allowed if circumstances prevent immediate use. But many supervisors are afraid of taking time off as they are indispensable or afraid that someone might realize they can be replaced or their job is not that demanding. I have known many that were not organized enough to use time wisely and thus accrued Comp time due to wasteful practices. But overall I would say the State Auditor or her staff did their job and pointed to a problem. Taxpayers should not be shouldered for that amount of back pay when the resource needs it so badly and especially since that persons pension was paid in full by the agency with no compensation from the individual receiving. I do believe the state has changed that old practice.

Anonymous said...

This woman has her act TOGETHER! Always impressed by the thoroughness and objective analysis the Auditor brings to her work product. Very professional job, again.