Friday, January 04, 2019

Hawley on Fox and Friends: The wall is important to the people of my state

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO told Fox and Friends this morning that he is backing President Trump completely as the government shutdown continues.

"It's going to be awfully hard for me to support anything that does not include funding for a border wall," Hawley said.

The wall is not just important to Trump and Hawley, the new senator said.

"It's important to the people of my state."

Hawley told the Fox hosts the Democrats were playing politics and all of them have their eyes set on the next presidential election. "Everything around here is focused on 2020 and the Democrats who are running for president.

"They need to do their jobs right now."


Anonymous said...

Oh gawd, 6 years of him

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:50 I feel your pain, but Hawley may or may not be around for 6 years. Depends on what the investigation into the finances of his campaign uncovers. That sort of investigation didn't go well for our former governor. When these Republican Wonder Boys suddenly come out of nowhere propelled by big, secret campaign contributions, it does raise some things to look into.

Anonymous said...

Yes, these Wonder-Boys / Corporate Meercats can't usually credibly explain how they as mediocrities managed to find spokesmen so in synch with the public prejudices. He rode Trumps coat-tails very tight and got in as a safe mediocrity.

I just think that everyone got tired of liberal Claire when she couldn't find someone who could be relied to blow hisself up like Todd Akin.

Anonymous said...

Dems lose election... impeach! Impeach!

I thought participant trophies were enough for you guys.

Anonymous said...

How is the investigation into Billy Long's insider trading coming along?