Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Nicastro, Missouri marching in lockstop with dangerous federal education policy

In her latest offering, Washington Post education columnist Valerie Strauss features quotes from other sources that explain exactly what the problems are with the Obama Administration's education policy, a policy which Missouri Education Commissioner Chris Nicastro has bought into completely.

Of course, it is obvious why we buy into the policy- it's all about money.

As noted earlier this month in the Turner Report, the state of Missouri just received $7,531,890 in funds to help with our lowest performing schools.


concerned said...

As legislators work to rid Missouri of Common Core, they need to also look into the number of DESE grants, SIG, discretionary, etc that have required districts to implement Common Core in schools over the last 2 years.

Lisa Jones

concerned said...

As legislators work to rid Missouri of Common Core, they need to also look into the number of DESE grants, SIG, discretionary, etc that have required districts to implement Common Core in schools over the last 2 years.

Lisa Jones