Monday, December 16, 2013

Rand Paul to be keynote speaker at Lincoln Days in Springfield

(From the Missouri Republican Party)

The Missouri Republican Party and Missouri Association of Republicans are excited to announce the keynote speaker for the Saturday evening banquet (February 22) at Lincoln Days 2014: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

“Lincoln Days has been a celebration that has attracted some of the biggest names in national politics—and this year will be no different. We are excited that Senator Rand Paul will share his vision of our party’s future with Missouri’s elected Republicans, the State Committee and County Chairmen, as well as committed volunteers and activists,” said Ed Martin, Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party.

“Senator Paul delighted Missouri Republicans last May at the Spirit of Reagan event. Missouri Republicans are again in for a real treat.”

Since his election to the US Senate 2010, Sen. Paul has gained a national reputation for introducing a Budget that balances in 5 years, for opposing detention of American citizens without trial, and for his defense of property rights.

"This year’s Lincoln Days celebration will mark the 115th anniversary – and this year, we have much to celebrate including the large Republican majorities in the General Assembly , but we have a lot of work to do in 2014.” said Nick Myers, President of the Missouri Association of Republicans.

“We expect hundreds of conservative activists and elected officials from all across the state to join us in Springfield, and thanks to Sen. Roy Blunt's efforts we are glad that US Senator Rand Paul will be delivering the keynote address at our annual banquet.”

For more information on Senator Rand Paul, please see 2013’s TIME 100 from April 2013. In November 2010, Sen. Paul was elected to his first term in the US Senate by 11 points.

Lincoln Days 2014 celebration will take place February 21-23 in Springfield, Missouri at the University Plaza Hotel and Convention Center. For additional details or to register, please


Anonymous said...

That's one event I will be skipping

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be a hemorrhoid than a Randroid.

Anonymous said...

Rand Paul deserves some credit for standing up against drone strikes. And for his views against the war in Afghanistan.