Monday, December 09, 2013

Personnel topic of Joplin R-8 special closed session

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education will meet in a special closed session to discuss personnel, according to an agenda posted Monday on the district website.

The agenda lists "hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting of particular employees," "individually identifiable personnel records," and "records which are protected from disclosure by law," as reasons for the session.


Anonymous said...

I wonder who's getting canned now. It's nonstop. Seems like the board would eventually protest. Nah. CJ couldn't be wrong. After all, they're joined at the hip.

Anonymous said...

Angie will continue to seek vengeance until the final moment. And no one will stop her. She should have been fired and her certificate stripped. I hope it won't be April before admin and the board have to answer for the misery they have caused so many people. It's shameful.

Anonymous said...

Another sacrifice to the Goddess of Vengeance or a scape goat so CJ doesn't have to pay the price for district deceptions and discrepancies. Everyone pays but the people who make the messes.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Santa heard my Christmas wish and the Board is actually going to develop a backbone and take control back over the district. It's a lot to ask, though. But a body can hope.