Friday, February 02, 2024

Attorney for Stark City man charged with raping 7-year-old asks for bond, says he's no threat to the community

The attorney for a Stark City man charged with the rape of a 7-year-old girl is asking for "reasonable bond" for his client, saying he is no threat to the community and is not a flight risk.

Newton County Circuit Court records indicate more felony charges have been filed against Matthew Stephen Stewart (DOB 1992).

Stewart now faces two counts of statutory rape, two counts of statutory sodomy and a single count of child molestation.

Court records indicate the Newton County Prosecuting Attorney's opposes bond for Stewart. Stewart's attorney, Jonathan Pierce, Neosho, filed the bond reduction motion today.

More information can be found at the link below:


Anonymous said...

Tell that to the 7 year old and her parents. If that was my daughter or Granddaughter I would post his bond just to catch him out.

Anonymous said...

Sure let him out, what could go wrong ⚰️

Anonymous said...

Well, why not? Cashless bail is the new leftist criminology experiment. While the law-biding sheep wait to be the next victim then run to the polls to vote "D".

Anonymous said...

Matthew Stephen Stewart - Is a Sick Perverted Pedophile - that Does Not Deserve any Sympathy or Opportunity to Commit another Heinous Crime.

We have to have Tough Judges, Prosecuting Attorneys, and Jurors - Who are Sick and Tired of Letting Bastards like this to Walk Our Streets - and be Part of Society.

We have to Stop Giving Criminals - Slaps On the Wrist, Get Out of Jail Free Cards, Backroom Courthouse Deals, and Probation - - So the can just Walk Away to Commit another Crime.

These Innocent Children - are our Greatest Gifts - We need to Protect them. I Hope that they receive - Counseling and a Loving Environment to try and Overcome these Terrible things that have happened to them -

I wish we had Frontier Justice - - where he would never be able to Commit another Criminal Act and that he would go straight to Hell - - He Deserves the Worst Possible Treatment that can dished out.

Protect Our Children - Stop Feeling Sorry for the Criminals and Start Feeling Sorry for the Victims...

Anonymous said...

The supposed law and order party worships a known rapist who has cheated his way into wealth by misrepresenting his holdings, who cheats on his wife, led an attempted insurrection, and ran a drug operation out of the white house pharmacy. Don't even try to make your MAGAt extremist as boy scouts 933, your party is an abomination to the rights of minorities, lgbtq communities, and the rule of law. It also is perpetually attacking common decency through bogus impeachment inquiries and creating altenatve facts to fuel your pertual use of conspiracies to energize the ignorant deplorables who follow.

Anonymous said...

Tell me you’re a Dem without telling me you’re a Dem. The scary orange man is going to get you in your sleep.
How many times a day Whitehouse staff have to remind Biden where he is and that he’s the president.

Biden For Resident 2024!
Don’t forget to get your Covid shot!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@3:37 "attacking common decency through bogus impeachment inquiries" If you would just listen to yourself. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

931, spoken by the gender confused MAGAt who lives in his white nationalist mancave basement with mommy. Another potential John Wayne Gacy among us. Keep on wearing your clown suit 931. We know who and what you are.

Anonymous said...

8:51 do you think calling me a name is gonna hurt my feelings, only thing that you could call me to hurt my feelings is a Democrat

Anonymous said...

Gender confusion is Democrat supporters, there is only 2 male and female
Democrats=baby killers, open borders,welfare enslavment, defund the police, race baiting, socialist, you think government has all the answers and can take care of us all.
Government couldn’t run a lemonade stand better than a 5 year old.
If any of this is false please let me know I will ask Randy to remove it.

Anonymous said...

Not a question of if it's right or wrong, the question is your statement is completely based on false right wing MAGAt talking points to rile up your cult of deplorables that you identify so sussinctly. I suggest you increase your level of education, research proves conspiracy followers like yourself aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Anonymous said...

When you are several Froot Loops short of a full bowl it's easy to think that Dolt 45 does indeed look like Elvis.

Anonymous said...

There are two reasons why I have always read the Turner Report. One, Randy reports on items that the flailing Globe won't. Two, the comments.
Here we have a citizen of Southwest Missouri that has been charged with raping a seven year old child. His attorney says he is not a threat to the community and should be bonded out. The above comments would rather sling political jargon at each other than to focus on the real issue at hand. That poor child (and family) is scarred for life and the accused wants to roam the streets. We should be livid at the judicial system that allows these predators to skate by with lenient sentencing. It's not just this case-there are plenty of cases on this site where people plead deals, only to break the law over and over again. Where do we draw the line?

Anonymous said...

It actually is a question of is it right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

Funny, this article has nothing to do with D or R, and yet so many people came here to point fingers at their fellow citizen. Yall are gross.

Anonymous said...

Get off your pious high horse 655, part of your interest in TR has everything to do with the entertainment value of reading statements from marginally intelligent partisan hacks who express their suppressed opinions in oftentimes, a creative and more frequently, juvenile manner. Ironically, I just described your 655 entry.

Anonymous said...

@6:21 Clearly they hit a nerve by observing that people here are being disgusting, and NOT ONE OF YOU would dare speak this way to each other in a public space.

Anonymous said...

717, another over-righteous do gooder who unwittingly espouses their thinly veiled disdain for the populace while imitating a false sense of regality for us all to bow before. I refuse to bow.

Anonymous said...

WTF are you on about you loon? LOL.

Anonymous said...

109, your entry is an example of your brain on drugs. Have no idea WTF you just wrote and don't care.