Monday, August 20, 2018

McCaskill fundraising letter links Josh Hawley with Trump, McConnell

This is one side of what Missourians are going to be seeing until November.

The latest fundraising appeal from the Claire McCaskill campaign attempts to stir up Democrats' fear and loathing of President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, complete, of course, with the two in a menacing looking photo.

That will be countered by Hawley (or more likely national groups) advertising about McCaskill's wealth and accusations that she is soft on border security and full of the Washington swamp.


Harvey Hutchinson said...

McCaskill is full of the Washington swamp, an evil doing Jezebel
Got to go.
Steal from someone else in 2019

Harvey Hutchinson 303-522-6622 voice&text

Unknown said...

Trump used a cliche, "Drain the swamp".
Trump lives in the swamp. All of his cabinet members are swamp dwellers.