Saturday, August 25, 2018

Message to "Proud to be an American"- John McCain was a great American

I am not going to mention his name because he does not need or deserve the publicity, but on his Facebook page, he proudly displays a background that says, "I am proud to be an American."

Nothing wrong with that sentiment. It is one that I share. It is just a shame that this man does not have the slightest idea of what a real American is.

John McCain, who died earlier this evening at age 81, was a real American.

Most of the people who left comments on our local news outlets' Facebook pages expressed sorrow at the senator's passing.

But not this man who was "proud to be an American."
No sympathy here. He betrayed America with his handy work on the dossier of lies. What has he done that we have not yet discovered...
 John McCain betrayed America?

John McCain who spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp betrayed America?

John McCain who served this country in one capacity or another every day of his adult life betrayed America?

He was by no means perfect, but he did not betray America by turning over information to the FBI that he thought indicated that the Russians might be trying to influence the presidential election. (As for that information being a "dossier of lies," it seems that more and more of it is being proven factual all of the time). Wouldn't anyone who was "proud to be an American" feel obligated to turn over that kind of information to the FBI?

For someone who claims he is "proud to be an American" to say John McCain betrayed his country is comparable to someone who never served in the military because he had bone spurs saying that McCain was not a hero because "heroes don't get captured."

Sen. McCain was a political creature no doubt, but he is one who was willing to put his country and the people he represented ahead of his own interests. That is a vanishing breed.

Perhaps the senator had his finest moment during his unsuccessful 2008 presidential bid when a woman at one of his town hall sessions said that McCain's opponent, Barack Obama, was an Arab.

McCain cut her off and responded calmly, but firmly, “No ma’am. He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.”

In today's political atmosphere, McCain would be mocked for daring to admit that an opponent is a decent human being and not someone who is "low energy," someone whose father helped kill JFK or someone who needs to be locked up.

 You are not supposed to say anything positive about your opponents and as for your supporters, if they want to say something bad, anything goes.

They can even say someone who has served his country well betrayed it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone disliking John McCain or not approving of things he has done. There was a time, however, when the people had the decency to keep some of their thoughts to themselves.

Especially when someone who fought and sacrificed for this country has just died.

The irony is that Sen. McCain fought so that this man who is "proud to be an American" could say he betrayed his country.

That is one of this country's greatest strengths.

I would only suggest that someone who proclaims that he is "proud to be an American" should take the time to learn what it means to be an American.

John McCain was an American - a great one - and one to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude.


Mary Cummins said...

It turns out the FBI already had the FBI. McCain did what any citizen should have done, turn the dossier over to the FBI to investigate.

Mapetite said...

True True True

Anonymous said...

Fair winds and following seas John.

Anonymous said...

This man was no "Party Before Country" Republican. He cared about the state of the union, stood for and upheld what he knew was right whether it played to his party's leanings or not. The last "Constitutional" Republican. There were party differences, but he was willing to listen and work bi-partisanship into the mix. The "Maverick" that wouldn't grovel to Trump or be bullied by him. What little is left of the "TRUE" republican party will miss you sir.