Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Love for football fuels another positive day for Troy Onstott

Nothing but positive news in Jill Onstott's latest Facebook update on the progress her 10-year-old son Troy is making during his recovery at Chlidren's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.

Day 34:

Pushing through Monday and crushing it! Troy continues to show us his love for football and how badly he wants to go home.

JUMPING and BACK-PEDALING, I can’t believe it. TJ and Troy were going for a walk last night while I planned on staying back to organize our room. Until Troy says as he’s tying his shoes, “Come on mom!”

I said, “well bud I’ll just stay back this time and get stuff done if that’s ok.” 

He said, “Nope come on, because I love you.” 

Ok Troy boy, mom is right behind you!

God- thank you for this sweet boy of mine. You are giving him just what he needs right when he needs it. Just enough to keep him wanting more. 

You continue to give him the strength he needs as his body heals. He can only get through this with you Lord. 

I pray that his fine motor skills continue to progress and that those connections find their way. It’s an incredible journey with you Lord and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for him. I praise YOU for Troy’s victories, only YOU! It’s in your name I pray.


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